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Italy Scavenger Hunt 7

Italy Scavenger Hunt 7

Q HUM 120 – Cultural Studies Virtual Study Abroad Italy – Unit 7: Scavenger Hunt Quest Scene & Location W/I Time Stamp Discovery 1. The battle for the environment in Naples is essentially a showdown between these two groups. 2. These are the 3 rules people must abide by if they are to be given a place to garden within the Terra Felix ecomuseum. 3. This fortress was built by this Frenchman when he moved the capital of the Kingdom of Sicily from Palermo to Naples. 4. This king of Naples constructed this building, which is the oldest one in the world, right next to the royal palace. 5. This is when the ancient Greek walls of Naples were built. 6. This is what killed the people of ancient Pompeii so quickly. 7. This man died trying to get a close-up view of the situation at Pompeii, and this man wrote a firsthand account of the destruction. 8. This was often found in the middle of the atrium of a typical Roman domus. 9. This type of building is often mistaken for a small theater, but its main use was for this, rather than the performance of plays. 10. This is the percentage of the Roman population that were slaves. 11. This is how a theater differs from an amphitheater, and this famous classic rock band performed in the one at Pompeii, in this year. 12. The real Mozarella di Bufala will be good for this many days at room temperature, as long as it is in the liquid in which it is sold. 13. This is how long a buffalo pregnancy lasts, and this is how the cheese makers keep their buffalos relaxed. 14. This was when the city of Poseidonia was founded, and these are the people who settled there originally. 15. The temple of Neptune (Poseidon) at Paestum was dedicated to this deity, and was constructed in this century. 16. This temple is the only Greek temple in the world that still has all its columns, and it is dedicated to this deity. 17. These people are responsible for the removal of the art that once decorated the 6th C. BC Temple of Athena at Paestum. 18. These people conquered the Greek city of Poseidonia, before the Romans.

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